Hellenic Plant Protection Journal (HPPJ)

Posted by hppj on January 20, 2015 under Uncategorized | 167 Comments to Read

The Hellenic Plant Protection Journal (HPPJ) (ISSN 1791-3691) is the scientific publication of the Benaki Phytopathological Institute (BPI) replacing the Annals of the Benaki Phytopathological Institute (ISSN 1790-1480) which had been published since 1935. Starting from January 2008, the Hellenic Plant Protection Journal is published semiannually, in January and July each year.

HPPJ publishes scientific work on all aspects of plant health and plant protection referring to plant pathogens, pests, weeds, pesticides and relevant environmental and safety issues. In addition, the topics of the journal extend to aspects related to pests of public health in agricultural and urban areas.